
Sterling Druitt

Artist: Sterling Druitt
Age 5 Years Old
Supports: 40% of profits from the resale of artwork from this collection is donated to Cancer Council Australia.
About Artist:

Sterling recently decided she wants to be an Artist when she grows up. She is constantly drawing and loves to get texta or paint all over her hands and say she has 'Artist hands'.
She also wants to be a Miner like her Dad, Photographer like her Mum, Veterinarian, Zookeeper, child Foster Carer, a Fairy or a Drag Queen (almost the same thing right?).... depends on what day of the week it is! I'll just keep telling her she can be whatever she wants to be.
by Sterling Druitt
supporting Cancer Council Australia
by Sterling Druitt
supporting Cancer Council Australia
by Sterling Druitt
supporting Cancer Council Australia
by Sterling Druitt
supporting Cancer Council Australia
by Sterling Druitt
supporting Cancer Council Australia
by Sterling Druitt
supporting Cancer Council Australia
by Sterling Druitt
supporting Cancer Council Australia