
Nate Lowe

Artist: Nate Lowe
Age 1 Year Old
Supports: 40% of profits from the resale of artwork from this collection is donated to Sanfilippo Children's Foundation.
About Artist:

Nate is a mischief maker who likes to get involved in everything! Nate's favourite "toys" are skipping ropes, power cords, hammers and basically anything that is dangerous which makes it challenging for mum and dad. Nicknames include The DetoNATEr, and Hand get the picture...
by Nate Lowe
supporting Sanfilippo Children's Foundation
by Nate Lowe
supporting Sanfilippo Children's Foundation
by Nate Lowe
supporting Sanfilippo Children's Foundation
by Nate Lowe
supporting Sanfilippo Children's Foundation
by Nate Lowe
supporting Sanfilippo Children's Foundation