
Lucie Elias

Artist: Lucie Elias
Age 3 Years Old
Supports: 40% of profits from the resale of artwork from this collection is donated to Camp Quality.
About Artist:

Lucie is a funny yet strong willed little human. She has a great personality and is inquisitive in all aspects of life.

Painting is the thing she is most passionate about and she will take any opportunity to participate in this.
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality
by Lucie Elias
supporting Camp Quality