
Oliver Dovile

Artist: Oliver Dovile
Age 4
Supports: 40% of profits from the resale of artwork from this collection is donated to Cancer Council Australia.
About Artist:

Oli is a gorgeous little (although very tall) little man. His favourite things are outdoor activities, cars and most of al Paw Patrol. He is an avid Collingwood supporter after his dad and his favourite colours are red and blue. He is fascinated by all types of animals and loves learning about them. His favourite land animal is a tiger and his favourite water animal is a shark. He also LOVES dinosaurs. Olis room is his sanctuary and is filled with lots of things he loves including all of his art which he proudly sticks up on his walls
by Oliver Dovile
supporting Cancer Council Australia
by Oliver Dovile
supporting Cancer Council Australia
by Oliver Dovile
supporting Cancer Council Australia
by Oliver Dovile
supporting Cancer Council Australia
by Oliver Dovile
supporting Cancer Council Australia
by Oliver Dovile
supporting Cancer Council Australia
by Oliver Dovile
supporting Cancer Council Australia