
Poppy Cookson

Artist: Poppy Cookson
Age 1 Year Old
Supports: 40% of profits from the resale of artwork from this collection is donated to Epilepsy Action Australia.
About Artist:

Poppy is 18 months old and loves to dance to her favourite tunes. She has a dog called Archie who she calls 'good boy' and chases around the back yard'. She really loves drawing and painting and getting messy and usually finishes most days with very wild curly hair and dirty clothes.
by Poppy Cookson
supporting Epilepsy Action Australia
by Poppy Cookson
supporting Epilepsy Action Australia
by Poppy Cookson
supporting Epilepsy Action Australia
by Poppy Cookson
supporting Epilepsy Action Australia
by Poppy Cookson
supporting Epilepsy Action Australia